The Great British Columbia ShakeOut


πŸ“£ Did you know? BC is the most seismically active area of Canada, and experiences thousands of minor earthquakes per year.
This year, we want to invite you personally to register for #ShakeOutBC2023. We promise, it's about us -- it's about community-wide preparedness! 🌍πŸ’ͺ

One of the best ways to be earthquake-ready is to join hundreds of thousands of fellow British Columbians across the province. Mark your calendars for October 19 at 10:19 AM and take part in the largest earthquake drill in BC! πŸ—“οΈβ°

Earthquake preparedness is everyone's responsibility. Here’s what you need to remember:

1️⃣ Drop 2️⃣ Cover 3️⃣ Hold On

The more we practice, the better we'll be at protecting ourselves and our loved ones. So, are you in?

Register now to ensure you, your family, and your colleagues are prepared for the inevitable.

Let's come together to make our communities more resilient. Join the movement, and let's get #EarthquakeReady! 🀝

@ShakeOutBC #ShakeOutBC2023 #DropCoverHoldOn #CommunityPreparedness