
The Bella Coola Valley Zoning Bylaw 71, first adopted in 1984, lays out the regulations for various land uses within Electoral Areas C, D and E in the Bella Coola Valley. 

The general provisions of the Bella Coola Valley Zoning Bylaw state that land shall not be used and buildings and structures shall not be constructed, altered, located, moved, occupied or used contrary to the bylaw. 

The zoning districts include agricultural, large holdings, small holdings, urban residential, two family residential, mobile home park residential, multiple family residential, general commercial, local commercial, heavy industrial, light industrial, and public and assembly. 

The zoning regulations also cite the height and siting of buildings and structures, setback requirements, permitted uses, visibility requirements, home occupation requirements, and siting requirements for flood control purposes. Parking and loading provisions are also stipulated. Three of the more common zones are shown below. For a complete listing of all zones and relevant requirements, consult the zoning bylaw or contact the Central Coast Regional District administration office. 

A-1 Agricultural District
Uses Permitted Lot Area Siting of Buildings Height of Buildings Buildings per Lot
  • Agricultural
  • Forestry
  • Silviculture
  • Residential camp
  • Campground
  • Single family dwelling
  • Two family dwelling
  • Home occupation
  • Accessory buildings & uses
Not less than 2 hectares No structures less than 7 metres from a front or rear lot line, or 5 metres from a side lot line Not to exceed 9 metres Not more than one residential use building shall be erected on one lot, except for lots with an area of 4 hectares or more where a maximum of two dwelling units is permitted.
R-1 Large Holdings District
Uses Permitted Lot Area Siting of Buildings Height of Buildings Buildings per Lot
  • Agricultural
  • Forestry
  • Silviculture
  • Residential camp
  • Campground use
  • Single family dwelling
  • Home occupation
  • Accessory buildings and uses
Not less than 8,000 square metres No structures less than 7 metres from a front or rear lot line, or 5 metres from a side lot line Not to exceed 9 metres Not more than one dwelling unit shall be erected on one lot, except for lots with an area of 4 hectares or more where a maximum of two dwelling units is permitted.
C-1 General Commercial District
Uses Permitted Lot Area Siting of Buildings Height of Buildings Lot Coverage
  • Commercial
  • Assembly
  • Entertainment
  • Traveller accommodation
  • Dwelling Units located within a commercial building
  • Accessory residential use
  • Accessory buildings and uses
Not less than 2,000 square metres No structures less than 3 metres from a front or rear lot line, or 2 metres from a side lot line, or 4.5 metres where the side lot line flanks a street, and no side lot line setback is required where abutting property is zoned commercial Not to exceed 11 metres The maximum lot coverage shall be 60% of the lot area