Facilities and Programs

Recreation Programs

Slow Pitch Softball

Walker Island Ball Park
Softball Diamond at Walker Island Park - Bella Coola

There is an active slow pitch softball league in Bella Coola. The season kicks off with a Mothers Day ball tournament in early may and winds up with another tournament at the end of August. Games are played at Walker Island Ball Park. The league is organized and run by volunteers. For further information on the Slow Pitch League please contact Lorrein Gurr by phone at (250) 982-2776. 


The Bella Coola Volleyball League is organized and run by volunteers. The season runs through the winter months and games are played at the SAMS school gymnasium. For further information please contact Caroline Granander by phone at (250) 982-2515.

Parks and Recreation Facilities

Walker Island Park

Walker Island BBQ Pit
BBQ Pit at Walker Island Park - Bella Coola

Walker Island Park amenities:

  • Softball diamond
  • Soccer field
  • Bike skills park
  • Hiking trails
  • Playground
  • Picnic Area
  • BBQ pit (free for community use - call 250-799-5553 to book)
  • Concession building (click here for rental information)

Snootli Regional Park

Snootli Creek Regional, Park Big Cedars Trail
Snootli Park, Big Cedars Trail (photo credit: Bella Coola Valley Tourism/Geoff Moore)

Snootli Ice Rink and Skate Park

Snootli Ice Rink
Snootli Ice Rink - Hagensborg

Nusatsum Park

Nusatsum Playground and Picnic Area
Nusatsum Playground and Picnic Area - Hagensborg

Centennial Pool

Centennial Pool
Centennial Pool (Hagensborg)

For more information about the pool, please see Centennial Pool.  For a current schedule and programs please contact the CCRD office.  During the summer months, the pool can also be reached directly at 250-982-2488.