News Release - Denny Island Water Service Area

Notice Date


In 2019, the CCRD passed Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw 486, which established the legal and financial framework for a local area water system service for a portion of Denny Island.

The Local Area Service consists of a portion of infrastructure undertaken by School District 49, consisting of a water supply well, water treatment, reservoir and a limited distribution system, all recently completed, together with additional water distribution works which will provide domestic and fire service to the Local service Area outlined in Appendix “A”.

In 2023, and again in March of 2024, the Board authorized staff to seek quotes for the work, more recently including potentially splitting the project up into phases to potentially allow the work to be phased if there were insufficient funds to complete the entire project area.

The 2024 tendering process indicated that based on completing the work using bonded contractors, there was only sufficient budget to undertake the area generally outlined in Appendix “B”, being Phase One of an eventual Two Phase project.

The Board has directed staff to proceed with a “Phase One” project based on available project construction funding of approximately $1.30 Million dollars.

The change in the Local Service Area will require that the District abandon the existing local area water system service and create a new one. This will also require the assent of the electors in the new local area service, similar to the 2019 process.

The intent is to size the water system to facilitate the eventual extension of the system to the area encompassing the old service area, should the larger area wish to join the service in the future. This would be possible using provisions in the Local Government Act that provides for amendments to local service areas and requires a similar type of elector approval at that time.

Staff will be meeting with the granting agencies involved in the project, and significant project stakeholders to discuss the new proposed local service area, and will be developing an amended financial plan and model for funding the future capital and operating costs of the system, which will be also required for the elector assent process.

If you have comments, questions or concerns regarding this release, please contact the Central Coast Regional District at or 250-799-5291.


Appendix “A”

Denny Island Water

Original Local Service Area

Appendix A Denny Island Local Service Area


Appendix “B”

Denny Island Water

Proposed Phase One Local Service Area (Sept 2024) in LIGHT BLUE

Appendix B Denny Island Local Service Area Proposed