Wildfire Update

Notice Date

Hello all,

I have another update for you regarding the wildfire fight that remains about 1 km from highway 20.

My understanding from the Coastal Wildfire contribution on our coordination call this afternoon is that conditions have remained favourable for fire suppression activities and that the attack crews hope to have the wildfire under control within the next two operational periods.

Environment Canada estimated 2,000-3,000 lightning strikes since their last update and reported the trough that was causing the high intensity lightning has now moved out of the province. The weather is apparently going to warm up and exceed seasonal norms again through next week.

Unfortunately, the wildfire further north in Tweedsmuir Park has apparently grown to almost 2000 hectares. My understanding is that limited resourcing is available to action this fire as it is not threatening any values used to prioritize allocation of suppression resources.

Please continue to access BC Wildfire Services´ interactive map for up-to-date information on fires of note throughout the province: https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ef6f11c8c36b42c29e103f65dbcd7538. Please also continue to use Drive BC´s resources to check on conditions prior to making travel plans over the coming days: http://www.drivebc.ca/#mapView&ll=54.8833%2C-122.6667&z=5.

Given the current apparent stability of the wildfire situation throughout the North East Region, the next coordination call won´t be until Tuesday afternoon, unless something changes. I will update you all again Tuesday evening unless there is emerging situation over the weekend.

Wishing you all a great holiday weekend. I am available on my cell 306-260-7526 for emergency related calls.

Kind regards everyone,